About us

Trafo – Technika Sp. z o. o. is an engineering company founded by experienced transformer industry engineers, who for many years, until 2018, managed the largest oil-filled power transformer factory in Poland. Several decades of experience in designing, manufacturing, overhauling, servicing and diagnostics of transformers of all types allows us to provide services at the highest level.

Trafo – Technika offer is addressed to all entities that operate, purchase, overhaul or manufacture power transformers. The services we offer contribute to the optimisation of investment and repair costs. They improve the quality of purchased transformers and enable the extension of their service life.


Trafo – Technika Sp. z o.o.
Al. Tadeusza Kościuszki 80/82
90-437 Lodz, Poland


+48 661 660 558
+48 661 660 547

